Bacaan Quran oleh 'Athif Abdul Ahad Muhibbulloh
Bacaan Quran oleh 'Athif Abdul Ahad MuhibbullohWhat is Quran?
The Quran is the last revealed word of Allah (God) and the basic source of Islamic teachings and laws. The Quran deals with the basis of creeds, morality, history of humanity, worship, knowledge, wisdom, God-man relationship, and human relationship in all aspects. Comprehensive teaching on which, can be built sound systems of social justice, economics, politics, legislation, jurisprudence, law and international relations, are important contents of the Quran. Hadith, the teachings, sayings and actions of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), meticulously reported and collected by his devoted companions. Explained and elaborated the Quranic verses.
Bacaan Quran oleh 'Athif Abdul Ahad Muhibbulloh
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'Athif Abdul Ahad Muhibbulloh,